Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pregnancy Update
Well, we are into week 24 of pregnancy and everything is going well. I found this little pregnancy count down, so now we can all keep track of where I am -- since I'm not the greatest at it. We haven't taken any pregnancy belly photos yet, but maybe we will soon. I am definitely showing, but nothing too huge yet. I gave in a few weeks back to wearing maternity clothes. I definitely look more pregnant in some things than others, and I find that my "regular" elastic waist clothes (mainly sweat pants) seem to slide under my belly more and more. I haven't bought any maternity jeans yet, but I probably will have to do that sooner rather than later, since my normal ones don't really even fit under my belly any more without being uncomfortable.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Happy News
Hello from Colorado,
I've not kept up on the New Year's resolution very well, but hey, I'm here now. So, Chris and I have very happy news to share -- we are expecting a baby! We are due March 8, 2010. We don't plan to find out the gender of the baby -- we just want a healthy baby -- that's all that really matters. So, green, yellow and orange are the colors of choice lately. We have decided that we will be getting one "big" baby item per month. Last month, it was the wood for a crib that Chris will be building. I'm so excited about that. Yesterday, we picked out this month's item -- a stroller, in orange. We went with the BOB Revolution. It is one of the "off-road" variety strollers that has the big air wheels. We are pretty excited about it. REI had them on sale THIS week, so it was now or pay a lot more, so we went for it. Chris, of course did his research and it had fantastic ratings and reviews. It has lots of accessories, but we decided that we would hold off on those. One that I want is a car seat adaptor, but we want to do our research on the car seats it works with -- hopefully at least one of them will rate well.
So, that's our news for now. I'm feeling much better these days -- had a few rough weeks, but nothing I couldn't handle. I don't look any different yet -- I've actually lost some weight over the last few weeks, so maybe I'll break down and post a picture or two at some point, but for now -- not much to see.
Hope you're all doing well -- see or talk to you soon.
Our Love,
Holli & Chris
I've not kept up on the New Year's resolution very well, but hey, I'm here now. So, Chris and I have very happy news to share -- we are expecting a baby! We are due March 8, 2010. We don't plan to find out the gender of the baby -- we just want a healthy baby -- that's all that really matters. So, green, yellow and orange are the colors of choice lately. We have decided that we will be getting one "big" baby item per month. Last month, it was the wood for a crib that Chris will be building. I'm so excited about that. Yesterday, we picked out this month's item -- a stroller, in orange. We went with the BOB Revolution. It is one of the "off-road" variety strollers that has the big air wheels. We are pretty excited about it. REI had them on sale THIS week, so it was now or pay a lot more, so we went for it. Chris, of course did his research and it had fantastic ratings and reviews. It has lots of accessories, but we decided that we would hold off on those. One that I want is a car seat adaptor, but we want to do our research on the car seats it works with -- hopefully at least one of them will rate well.
So, that's our news for now. I'm feeling much better these days -- had a few rough weeks, but nothing I couldn't handle. I don't look any different yet -- I've actually lost some weight over the last few weeks, so maybe I'll break down and post a picture or two at some point, but for now -- not much to see.
Hope you're all doing well -- see or talk to you soon.
Our Love,
Holli & Chris
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A little research
Well, nothing really all that exciting to report -- we have recently finished making our loft into a 3rd/guest bedroom. We started putting the furniture in last night. We're still trying to figure out what all to put in there. So, when you come to stay for a few days with someone, do you expect to have a dresser to put stuff in, or do you just "live out of the suitcase"? That's our big debate right now. And, would you prefer a recliner or the dresser? (we do plan to put a TV in the room if that sways your opinion of dresser vs. recliner) Let us know your thoughts, as you all will be the ones using the new guest room, not us :-)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Earth Hour
Hi everyone,
Just recently, I signed on to be a member of the Clean Energy Strategic Initiative Team through Colorado State University Extension. I will be working with the 4-H & Schools sub team, attempting to bring clean energy information down to a kid's level through projects and activities. Through this team, I just found out about a pretty cool opportunity to be a small part of a world-wide effort to save energy -- EARTH HOUR. Basically, it is one hour -- world-wide -- that everyone turns off their lights. It will happen on Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Let's all join in -- we really can make a difference!
Here's more info from the Earth Hour website: www.earthhour.org
What you can do
Turning your lights off for an hour is a great start. However, there are many other things you can do to make Earth Hour 2009 a success.
Sign Up Now. Become a part of Earth Hour and get useful tips and tools to reduce your carbon footprint everyday
Tell A Friend. Better still – tell them, your family and even your work mates. Encourage them to sign up. Email them a link to this website and mobilize even more people!
Tell Your Story. How is climate change affecting your family and your community? We want to hear how you're becoming part of the solution.
Run your own Earth Hour. Download our quick guide for how to run Earth Hour in your city or town. It's easy!
Your Earth Hour.
What will you be doing at 8:30 PM on Saturday March 28? We're keen to know what you have planned for Earth Hour 2009. If you'd like to share your plans with Earth Hour and the media, then please send us an email describing with as much detail as you can what you have planned to myearthhour@earthhour.org. Don't forget to include your name, where you live (City and Country), and your contact telephone number including your country code.
Just recently, I signed on to be a member of the Clean Energy Strategic Initiative Team through Colorado State University Extension. I will be working with the 4-H & Schools sub team, attempting to bring clean energy information down to a kid's level through projects and activities. Through this team, I just found out about a pretty cool opportunity to be a small part of a world-wide effort to save energy -- EARTH HOUR. Basically, it is one hour -- world-wide -- that everyone turns off their lights. It will happen on Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Let's all join in -- we really can make a difference!
Here's more info from the Earth Hour website: www.earthhour.org
What you can do
Turning your lights off for an hour is a great start. However, there are many other things you can do to make Earth Hour 2009 a success.
Sign Up Now. Become a part of Earth Hour and get useful tips and tools to reduce your carbon footprint everyday
Tell A Friend. Better still – tell them, your family and even your work mates. Encourage them to sign up. Email them a link to this website and mobilize even more people!
Tell Your Story. How is climate change affecting your family and your community? We want to hear how you're becoming part of the solution.
Run your own Earth Hour. Download our quick guide for how to run Earth Hour in your city or town. It's easy!
Your Earth Hour.
What will you be doing at 8:30 PM on Saturday March 28? We're keen to know what you have planned for Earth Hour 2009. If you'd like to share your plans with Earth Hour and the media, then please send us an email describing with as much detail as you can what you have planned to myearthhour@earthhour.org. Don't forget to include your name, where you live (City and Country), and your contact telephone number including your country code.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Keeping up the resolution
So, I posted the last time on January 28, exactly one month ago. So, I just squeaked by with keeping my New Year's resolution of posting each month. Of course, things are pretty much the same old, same old around here.
I spent a week in Georgia from Feb. 18-25 helping my mom out with recovery from her hip replacement surgery. I loved being there to see both she and Gordy and I'm glad I was able to make it work out. Her surgery was actually on Feb 9th, she was in the hospital until the 12th. She started with home based physical therapy on the 13th, and is doing really well with her hip, but the surgery caused a foot drop, which basically means she can't bend her ankle because the nerve has been damaged. She also doesn't have feeling in her foot. Both of these things combined makes walking a bit difficult, but she is doing very good overall. The surgeon can't tell her a timeline for when the foot will get better, but she is making progress. Not knowing drives her crazy, of course. She'll start her physical therapy at the "gym" (on-site at the physical therapist's office) this coming week.
As for our house, the master bathroom STILL isn't done. The first tile guy didn't work out because he and Chris had a disagreement on materials used to hang the wall tile in the shower. The tile guy wouldn't change it, and Chris wanted it changed, so the tile guy left. So, needless to say, it took a couple of weeks to get the next one scheduled. He is working as we speak. Hopefully he'll get done this weekend. Then, we have to put the sinks and counter tops in, get a plumber out to hook up the tub fixtures, paint, hang the mirrors, hang accessories, etc., etc., etc.... Oh joy!
We are waiting until we are done with the bathroom to get the inspector out for the loft bedroom conversation, as we didn't want him seeing all of the work we did in the bathroom without an inspection. Then, I hope we take a break for a while. I'm sick of construction. I'd like to dust and vacuum and have it last for more than a day.
I recently did the flowers for a 410 person banquet -- 42 centerpieces! YIKES, but it was fun and I had help from one of my Master Gardeners -- Ann. Thanks Ann! Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them in "action" as I was at mom's by time the banquet happened. They got rave reviews though. Chris made a side table for the silent auction that went with the event and it brought $130. He seemed happy about that, and I was happy he helped out. He was able to use mostly scrap wood that he bought as a "lot" off of Craig's List. It looked really nice.
Next weekend, we head to Iowa for "baby" Benjamin's 1st Birthday and his baptism. Zachary will also be baptised in their new church, and Troy will make profession of faith. We'll will have photos to post of that for sure, so check back. I'll try to get them up soon afterward.
Please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Please also pray for Chris' grandma, Wilma Campbell (his dad's mom) who fell yesterday (2/27) and broke her hip in 3 places and also cut herself quite badly (she doesn't remember how). She's had surgery today. Also, please be thinking about and praying for my Aunt Lynn (Baxter), my Uncle Bob (Taylor) and my cousin Diane (Bloomer) who have all recently lost their jobs. I can't imagine trying to find a job in this economy. I'm more and more thankful every day for what we have. We are very lucky. I think that catches everyone up for now. Take care and "talk" soon.
I spent a week in Georgia from Feb. 18-25 helping my mom out with recovery from her hip replacement surgery. I loved being there to see both she and Gordy and I'm glad I was able to make it work out. Her surgery was actually on Feb 9th, she was in the hospital until the 12th. She started with home based physical therapy on the 13th, and is doing really well with her hip, but the surgery caused a foot drop, which basically means she can't bend her ankle because the nerve has been damaged. She also doesn't have feeling in her foot. Both of these things combined makes walking a bit difficult, but she is doing very good overall. The surgeon can't tell her a timeline for when the foot will get better, but she is making progress. Not knowing drives her crazy, of course. She'll start her physical therapy at the "gym" (on-site at the physical therapist's office) this coming week.
As for our house, the master bathroom STILL isn't done. The first tile guy didn't work out because he and Chris had a disagreement on materials used to hang the wall tile in the shower. The tile guy wouldn't change it, and Chris wanted it changed, so the tile guy left. So, needless to say, it took a couple of weeks to get the next one scheduled. He is working as we speak. Hopefully he'll get done this weekend. Then, we have to put the sinks and counter tops in, get a plumber out to hook up the tub fixtures, paint, hang the mirrors, hang accessories, etc., etc., etc.... Oh joy!
We are waiting until we are done with the bathroom to get the inspector out for the loft bedroom conversation, as we didn't want him seeing all of the work we did in the bathroom without an inspection. Then, I hope we take a break for a while. I'm sick of construction. I'd like to dust and vacuum and have it last for more than a day.
I recently did the flowers for a 410 person banquet -- 42 centerpieces! YIKES, but it was fun and I had help from one of my Master Gardeners -- Ann. Thanks Ann! Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them in "action" as I was at mom's by time the banquet happened. They got rave reviews though. Chris made a side table for the silent auction that went with the event and it brought $130. He seemed happy about that, and I was happy he helped out. He was able to use mostly scrap wood that he bought as a "lot" off of Craig's List. It looked really nice.
Next weekend, we head to Iowa for "baby" Benjamin's 1st Birthday and his baptism. Zachary will also be baptised in their new church, and Troy will make profession of faith. We'll will have photos to post of that for sure, so check back. I'll try to get them up soon afterward.
Please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Please also pray for Chris' grandma, Wilma Campbell (his dad's mom) who fell yesterday (2/27) and broke her hip in 3 places and also cut herself quite badly (she doesn't remember how). She's had surgery today. Also, please be thinking about and praying for my Aunt Lynn (Baxter), my Uncle Bob (Taylor) and my cousin Diane (Bloomer) who have all recently lost their jobs. I can't imagine trying to find a job in this economy. I'm more and more thankful every day for what we have. We are very lucky. I think that catches everyone up for now. Take care and "talk" soon.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
We're still here...
Well, not too much going on here. The last couple of weeks have pretty much been the same around here. Today, we have a tile guy working on the Master Bath -- Finally! It will take him 3 days to complete the job, as we are having the shower, floor and a wainscoating put 1/2 way up the wall too. We've also started the framing for the 3rd bedroom -- which was once the loft. We figured that would be the easiest to make a bedroom for now. Maybe at some point we'll talk about doing some work in the Basement, but not before we do the Kitchen -- still 1+ years away, but we can start making plans and saving the money.
I worked at the National Western Stock Show over the last couple of weeks, and we did get a chance to go to a performance of Dancing Horses, but we forgot a memory card for the camera, so no photos to show you -- sorry.
We will both be gone -- in different places :-( -- next week. Chris will be in San Diego for a conference and Trade Show and I'll be at a County Director's meeting for Extension. I wish I didn't have my meeting, 'cuz I would have gone to San Diego with him. Oh well.
Well, my lunch hour has come to a close -- talk again soon.
Holli (& Chris too)
I worked at the National Western Stock Show over the last couple of weeks, and we did get a chance to go to a performance of Dancing Horses, but we forgot a memory card for the camera, so no photos to show you -- sorry.
We will both be gone -- in different places :-( -- next week. Chris will be in San Diego for a conference and Trade Show and I'll be at a County Director's meeting for Extension. I wish I didn't have my meeting, 'cuz I would have gone to San Diego with him. Oh well.
Well, my lunch hour has come to a close -- talk again soon.
Holli (& Chris too)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
First Anniversary Trip
One of the places we visited for our First Anniversary mini-vacation in Colorado Springs was the Air Force Academy. The place we wanted to see most was the Chapel. It was beautiful, and HUGE. The main sanctuary sat over 1200 people, and there were two additional worship spaces on the lower level. It was very beautiful.
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Cheyenne Mountain Zoo - 11.25.08
Over our Anniversary back in November, we took a mini-vacation down to Colorado Springs to see a few of the sights. They have a great little zoo built into the side of Cheyenne Mountain. They even have a ski lift to the top if you don't feel like walking. We did the walking -- it was good for us. We really enjoyed all the pretty cool animals they had there.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Keeping up the Resolution
Hi again!
So, here I am -- trying to keep up my resolution of posting on our blog more often. Let's see... This past week has been pretty ho-hum. Nothing really too exciting. Chris has been working on framing in the opening in the loft and putting a door in to make it into a 3rd bedroom. It should be a pretty straight-forward project. Once he gets the framing done and the door hung, we'll have an inspector out to look at it and hopefully deem the house a 3-bedroom, since now, legally it is only a 2-bedroom house. Then, we'll have a dry waller out to finish up the job.
We are also in the middle of working on the Master Bathroom. We had to tear out all the tile because of mold, and we also ended up with a new bathtub. Although I had big hopes of an expansion, it didn't happen. It is probably for the best, as the house and the neighborhood don't warrant large spaces like new houses have.
After we are done with these two projects, we are going to quit the projects for a while -- won't that be nice -- and start saving for our Kitchen re-model.
Well, like I said, pretty ho-hum.
Have a good week everyone!
So, here I am -- trying to keep up my resolution of posting on our blog more often. Let's see... This past week has been pretty ho-hum. Nothing really too exciting. Chris has been working on framing in the opening in the loft and putting a door in to make it into a 3rd bedroom. It should be a pretty straight-forward project. Once he gets the framing done and the door hung, we'll have an inspector out to look at it and hopefully deem the house a 3-bedroom, since now, legally it is only a 2-bedroom house. Then, we'll have a dry waller out to finish up the job.
We are also in the middle of working on the Master Bathroom. We had to tear out all the tile because of mold, and we also ended up with a new bathtub. Although I had big hopes of an expansion, it didn't happen. It is probably for the best, as the house and the neighborhood don't warrant large spaces like new houses have.
After we are done with these two projects, we are going to quit the projects for a while -- won't that be nice -- and start saving for our Kitchen re-model.
Well, like I said, pretty ho-hum.
Have a good week everyone!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Can you believe it? We are posting to the blog -- it is about time.
So, with it being New Year's Day, I (Holli) have decided to make a few resolutions for 2009.
#1 -- Post to the blog more regularly -- for me that's going to be at least once per month, but hopefully more often if events of our life dictate and time allows. It seems we really don't have too much to talk about -- we are just doing our thing.
#2 -- Being more healthy -- including eating better and exercising regularly. This means at least 3 times per week for me. This one is being influenced by Chris, as he is determined to drop a pant size, as he has gained one size since the wedding. (from a 34 to a 36 -- big deal!) I think we have both gotten "comfortable" over this past year. They say college freshmen gain 15+ pounds. Well, I wonder if there's ever been a study on Newlyweds?
As for Chris, the exercise is definitely on his mind, and I'd say that is his big resolution. We actually bought an exercise bike off Craig's List yesterday, so once we get that in, we'll trade off between it and the treadmill.
Happy New Year everyone!
So, with it being New Year's Day, I (Holli) have decided to make a few resolutions for 2009.
#1 -- Post to the blog more regularly -- for me that's going to be at least once per month, but hopefully more often if events of our life dictate and time allows. It seems we really don't have too much to talk about -- we are just doing our thing.
#2 -- Being more healthy -- including eating better and exercising regularly. This means at least 3 times per week for me. This one is being influenced by Chris, as he is determined to drop a pant size, as he has gained one size since the wedding. (from a 34 to a 36 -- big deal!) I think we have both gotten "comfortable" over this past year. They say college freshmen gain 15+ pounds. Well, I wonder if there's ever been a study on Newlyweds?
As for Chris, the exercise is definitely on his mind, and I'd say that is his big resolution. We actually bought an exercise bike off Craig's List yesterday, so once we get that in, we'll trade off between it and the treadmill.
Happy New Year everyone!
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