Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Computer Arrives!

Wow, this thing has a big screen! Even bigger than my one at work. I'm not used to that -- I just assume that work stuff is going to be bigger, better and faster than home stuff, but not this time around. We got a Dell -- it has Windows Vista on it. Who knows if that will be good or not. I've heard there's a few glitches and problems with it, but let's hope they worked them out before our version.

We thought it wouldn't be here until next week, but I got a call yesterday that the FedEx guy was waiting at the door -- we had left a note to call me at work if he absolutely needed a signature, and he did so I raced home. It is nice to work so close. That was right at lunch-time. So, I brought it in and there it sat until after 9:00 last night. We had 4-H Archery practice last night (we are the coaches) so we couldn't play with it. I know Chris was chomping at the bit to get it set up. He actually ended up staying up until MIDNIGHT getting it all set up and getting the programs loaded. That's REALLY late for Chris to stay up, so he must have been excited!

Have to go now -- we have our Earth Day celebration with 50+ kids today for work, so I need to get mentally prepared to deal with that.

Talk soon,
Holli & Chris

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